Monday, April 21, 2008

i love being alone...he lies.

So, its been awhile since i've actually updated this thing... i thought it was about time.

life lately, wow. thats about the only word i could even use to begin describing it.  had you asked me a year and half ago what i would be doing now, i would have been totally clueless as to the joys and sorrows the next 18 months would bring me.  life has been so bittersweet.  i can't even begin to tell you the emotional roller coaster i've ridden over the last 18 months, and i know its not over, but one thing i do know is, it is going to end well.  not well in the a worldly sense, because my life has been changed radically.  i've lost pieces of it that i will never regain, and i've picked up pieces that i hope i never have to let go of.  let me just tell you first hand, God never gives us more than we can handle.  i can't remember who exactly told me this, but someone recently said: "chandler, God never gives us more than we can handle. do you realize what that means? you're going through so much more than most of us ever go through! that just shows what kind of man God has shaped, and will shape you into. you have to handle all of this, because you can! and because its for His glory!"  i can't even tell you how much those words blessed me.

so what is God's plan for all of this? i have no freaking clue.  but let me just tell you...i'm SO excited.  yes, it has hurt more than i thought i could possibly handle, but is it turning out for my good? of course.  i have yet to see the end, but i know that no matter how it turns out, its going to be for the best.  i don't remember where i read this quote. but somewhere i read "everything will be ok in the end, if its not ok, its not the end."  

the Lord has blessed me far beyond what i deserve. i have a great family, i great school, a great church, and amazing friends.  so many of them have blessed my life in ways that i don't think i could ever tell them.  the Lord has blessed me with, Lauren Kohl, the most amazing girlfriend anyone could ever ask for.  shes been with me every step of the way and i have no idea how i would have made it without her.  she showed not only her love for me, but God's love for me was shown through her.  she's amazing.  also, i've grown much closer to amazing people like will g, will c, max, amy, christian, anna b., and my cousin rachel. all of these people have been incredible friends.

how am i doing? SO much BETTER than i deserve.

i've learned to day by day trust the Lord.  trusting Him is not a one time decision, its moment by moment.

trust Him, have faith in Him, give Him your everything. and in turn, He will bless you beyond reason, beyond comprehension, and far beyond what you truly deserve.

more later....maybe
